The Valley School Classroom and Outdoor Amphitheater

Seattle, WA

The construction of the classroom relied on local wood products to create a ‘tree house’ atmosphere. The exposed structure and majority wood materials reflect a desire to avoid artificial surfaces and coatings, making the classroom and theater a tactile and visual environmental experience. Durability of materials was considered in high wear areas, with hardwood intentionally used at the floors. This allows for a lower level of maintenance and less reliance on paint to preserve longevity. The shear walls were planned so that they can become green walls that plans will grown on when resources allow. The primary wood used was cedar, for a native material that provides natural beauty.

Version History
  • Project uploaded by WoodWorks on 10-07-2024
  • Project last updated by WoodWorks Innovation Network (WIN) on 10-08-2024
Project Details
  • Année de construction


  • Number Of Stories


  • Système

    Cadre lumineux innovant

  • Mètres carrés


  • Type de construction:


  • Type de bâtiment:

    Assemblée (Culte, Restaurant, Théâtre)

  • Types de matériaux:

    Bois massif
    Bois Lamellé-Collé
    poutres en I

Project Team
  • Babienko Architects Architect
  • Harriot Valentine Engineers Structural Engineer
  • Method Construction General Contractor
Version History
  • Project uploaded by WoodWorks on 10-07-2024
  • Project last updated by WoodWorks Innovation Network (WIN) on 10-08-2024
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