Shinnecock Dispensary

Southampton, NY

Designed with the Shinnecock Nation's heritage in mind, the dispensary incorporates beautiful natural elements. The two-story, 6,627-square-foot building is constructed from mass timber, featuring a glulam timber structure. The space also features cedarwood accents, native plants in the landscaping, and natural stone throughout.

This project is a great example of collaboration and community focus. By working closely with the design and construction teams, the development team ensured the final product reflects the values and traditions of the Shinnecock Nation.

Version History
  • Project uploaded by Jim DeStefano on 06-20-2024
  • Project last updated by WoodWorks on 07-25-2024
Project Details
  • Année de construction


  • Number Of Stories


  • Système

    Bois massif

  • Mètres carrés


  • Type de construction:


  • Type de bâtiment:

    Commercial (Détail)

  • Types de matériaux:

    Bois massif
    Bois Lamellé-Collé

Version History
  • Project uploaded by Jim DeStefano on 06-20-2024
  • Project last updated by WoodWorks on 07-25-2024
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