• L'industrie


  • Services offerts

    Structural Engineering

  • A de l'expérience avec ces bâtiments:

    Assemblée (Culte, Restaurant, Théâtre), Bureau, Civique (Loisir), Éducatif, Gouvernement, Hôtel/Motel, Institutionnel, Commercial (Détail), Usage mixte, Multifamilial (Appartements, Condos), Logement étudiant, Résidentiel Innovant Personnalisé

  • A de l'expérience avec ces matériaux:

    Bois massif, Bois lamellé-croisé, Bois Lamellé Cloué, Bois Lamellé Goujon, Bois Lamellé-Collé, Charpente en bois / Poteau et poutre, Hybride, Bois composite structurel, Lumière-Cadre, poutres en I, Bois de construction, Panneaux structuraux en bois

  • A de l'expérience dans les différents types de construction:

    IV-B, V-A, V-B

Les personnes qui travaillent ici:
  • User Image
    Mae Kawamoto Principal

At Daedalus we believe that the structure provides an opportunity to expand and help shape the finished architecture and building envelope and strive to think holistically about the integration of all building systems. This thinking consistently unlocks innovative solutions, pushing the boundaries of what is considered feasible. 

We are dedicated to minimizing our environmental impact, optimizing resource efficiency, and enhancing the long-term well-being of our communities through innovative, eco-friendly, and resilient structural solutions. Over the past five years, we have been instrumental in developing TimberQuest, a kit of parts for mass timber buildings that has been approved for all public schools in California with an over the counter permitting process.

As passionate advocates for mass timber, we celebrate its natural beauty and biophilic health benefits, alongside its component-based approach that accelerates construction. Most importantly, it stands out as the only truly renewable structural building material available.

Innovative Light-Frame and Mass Timber Project Portfolio:
Projets Filtered By:

Hoover Elementary School Campus Replacement

Palo Alto, CA

Sacred Heart Schools

Atherton, CA