St. Charles Convocation Center

Bexley, OH

The Centerpiece: A Unique Convocation Center

The new, single-story convocation center stands out with its innovative design. The octagonal steel frame minimizes the building's physical footprint while maximizing usable space. Traditional brickwork gives way to a beautiful glulam beam roof structure with wooden decking. Topped with lightweight faux Spanish tiles, it maintains the desired aesthetic without the extra weight.

Spacious & Functional Interior

Inside, the impressive 150+ foot clear spans create a large, open space. This flexible venue can host students and guests for various athletic events and programs. Amenities include two full-size basketball courts, a hall dedicated to celebrating achievements, locker rooms, and concession stands.

Version History
  • Project last updated by WoodWorks on 08-08-2024
Project Details
  • Année de construction


  • Number Of Stories


  • Système

    Bois massif

  • Mètres carrés


  • Type de construction:


  • Type de bâtiment:

    Assemblée (Culte, Restaurant, Théâtre)

  • Types de matériaux:

    Bois massif
    Bois Lamellé-Collé
    Platelage en bois lourd
    Fixations / Quincaillerie

Version History
  • Project last updated by WoodWorks on 08-08-2024
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