Helena Regional Airport Terminal Expansion

Helena, MT

To keep up with a rapidly changing airline industry, the Helena Regional Airport Authority identified a need to expand its terminal as part of their master plan. The existing terminal was operating at capacity due to increasing passenger numbers and airlines transitioning to larger aircraft. Airport Planner Price Simpson Harvey developed a long-range master plan for the terminal building to accommodate future growth and address the immediate congestion. CWG Architecture + Interiors, Morrison-Maierle, and Dick Anderson Construction were brought into the planning process and were tasked with developing the master plan conceptual design and taking it through construction.

The project includes a 20,558 square foot addition to the existing terminal which houses four new airplane loading gates, secured passenger waiting area, restaurant, and TSA passenger screening. Since the remodel and addition are located within the secured side of the terminal, the project construction was broken into three phases to keep the airport, airlines, and TSA completely operational and secure throughout the two-year construction project. The project includes FAA funding, therefore, Buy American requirements for steel and manufactured products were met in the design and construction of the project.
The building addition is designed to provide departing passengers with a comfortable daylit waiting area featuring expansive glazed areas with enhanced views to Helena and the South Hills. The interior space was dramatically modified for better circulation and function. For arriving passengers, the space serves as a welcoming first impression of Helena. 

Project Details
  • Année de construction


  • Number Of Stories


  • Système

    Bois massif

  • Mètres carrés


  • Type de construction:


  • Type de bâtiment:

    Transport (aéroports, gares ou stations de métro)

  • Types de matériaux:

    Bois lamellé-croisé

Project Team
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