• L'industrie


  • Services offerts

    Structural Engineer, Project Manager

  • A de l'expérience avec ces types de bâtiments:

    Assemblée (Culte, Restaurant, Théâtre), Bureau, Éducatif, Hôtel/Motel, Institutionnel, Commercial (Détail), Usage mixte, Multifamilial (Appartements, Condos), Logement étudiant

  • A de l'expérience avec ces types de matériaux:

    Bois massif, Bois lamellé-croisé, Bois Lamellé-Collé, Charpente en bois / Poteau et poutre, Platelage en bois lourd, Hybride, Bois composite structurel, Lumière-Cadre, poutres en I, Bois de construction, Fermes à âme ouverte, Panneaux structuraux en bois

  • A de l'expérience avec ces types de construction:

    I-A, I-B, II-A, II-B, III-A, III-B, IV-A, IV-B, IV-HT, V-A, V-B

badges obtenus

Mr. Maltais has over 15 years of engineering experience with every building material in an array of market sectors which include residential, office, healthcare, senior living, hospitality, laboratory, renovation, special structures, tall buildings, and peer reviews. This range of project experience and depth of knowledge has allowed Bryan to creatively solve unique and challenging problems. Bryan is passionate about Mass Timber and leads these initiatives at McNamara ▪ Salvia; managing in-house research, design aids and knowledge, and assists with the promotion & design of Mass Timber’s use for McNamara • Salvia's clientele.



Innovative Light-Frame and Mass Timber Project Portfolio:
Projets Filtered By:

Marieta Denver

Denver, CO

Bunker Hill Housing Redevelopment - Stellata

Boston, MA

69 A Street

Boston, MA
Expérience professionnelle
2025 WW Networking Event IMTC