• L'industrie


  • Services offerts

    Structural Engineering

  • A de l'expérience avec ces types de bâtiments:

    Assemblée (Culte, Restaurant, Théâtre), Bureau, Éducatif, Institutionnel, Commercial (Détail), Usage mixte, Multifamilial (Appartements, Condos), Logement étudiant

  • A de l'expérience avec ces types de matériaux:

    Bois massif, Bois lamellé-croisé, Bois Lamellé Cloué, Bois Lamellé Goujon, Bois Lamellé-Collé, Charpente en bois / Poteau et poutre, Platelage en bois lourd, Hybride, Bois composite structurel, Lumière-Cadre, poutres en I, Bois de construction

  • A de l'expérience avec ces types de construction:

    I-A, I-B, III-A, III-B, IV-HT, V-A, V-B

Last year, Michael bike-commuted over 125 days, offsetting as much carbon as is contained in less than two cubic yards of concrete. To him, this illustrates how critical designers' choices in building materials are in tackling our global climate challenges.

As an Assistant VIce President at WSP (formerly Odeh Engineers), Michael is proud to have been part of teams that have delivered several projects that utilize exposed mass timber as a primary structural system. Highlights range from a state-of-the-art concert facility and an all mass-timber biotech lab/office to a charter school and a housing development that has created 69 units of affordable housing in an underserved community.

Michael is also an embodied carbon champion at WSP, where he is responsible for guiding the firms’ commitments as a signatory firm of the SE2050 challenge. In this role he works across materials to find ways to reduce embodied carbon on all projects and coordinates knowledge sharing and education within WSP.
Innovative Light-Frame and Mass Timber Project Portfolio:
Projets Filtered By:

Groton Hill Music Center

Groton, MA


Lebanon, NH

340+ Dixwell Ave

New Haven, CT

Community MusicWorks Center

Providence, RI

Evergreen Charter School

Hempstead, NY

Custom House Block Loft

Boston, MA

ACME Timber Lofts

New Haven, CT

Wellesley College Science Complex

Wellesley, MA

Brown University Brook Street Residence Hall

Providence, RI
Expérience professionnelle
2025 WW Networking Event IMTC