• L'industrie


  • Services offerts

    Engineer - Structural, Engineer

  • A de l'expérience avec ces types de bâtiments:

    Assemblée (Culte, Restaurant, Théâtre), Bureau, Civique (Loisir), Éducatif, Usine/Industriel, Gouvernement, Hôtel/Motel, Institutionnel, Usage mixte, Multifamilial (Appartements, Condos), Résidentiel Innovant Personnalisé

  • A de l'expérience avec ces types de matériaux:

    Bois massif, Bois lamellé-croisé, Bois Lamellé Cloué, Bois Lamellé Goujon, Bois Lamellé-Collé, Charpente en bois / Poteau et poutre, Platelage en bois lourd, Hybride, Bois composite structurel, Systèmes composites bois-béton, Lumière-Cadre, poutres en I, Bois de construction, Fermes à âme ouverte, Panneaux structuraux en bois

  • A de l'expérience avec ces types de construction:

    I-A, I-B, II-A, II-B, III-A, III-B, IV-A, IV-B, IV-C, IV-HT, V-A, V-B

badges obtenus
Steve Hawk is an experienced structural engineer and project manager and works with reinforced concrete and masonry, structural steel, and timber. Steve has experience with projects involving mass timber, composite steel and concrete floor systems, earthquake resistant designs, and metal building systems.

Steve has taught the senior-level civil engineering courses Steel Design at Gonzaga University and Masonry Design at Portland State University. Steve has practiced for more than 25 years, all of which have been at Coffman. He is a licensed structural engineer in Oregon and Washington.
Innovative Light-Frame and Mass Timber Project Portfolio:
Projets Filtered By:

Jackson Park Stage Roof

Hood River, OR
Expérience professionnelle
2025 WW Networking Event IMTC