Greenhill School

Addison, TX

This private school in Addison, Texas - near Dallas - serves approximately 1,350 students in Pre-K through 12th grades. The new 52,000-square-foot Valdes STEM + Innovation Center focuses on academic areas of science, engineering, technology, and mathematics.

Version History
  • Project last updated by WoodWorks on 07-16-2024
Project Details
  • Année de construction


  • Number Of Stories


  • Système

    Bois massif

  • Mètres carrés


  • Type de construction:


  • Type de bâtiment:


  • Types de matériaux:

    Bois massif
    Bois lamellé-croisé
    Bois Lamellé-Collé

Project Team
Version History
  • Project last updated by WoodWorks on 07-16-2024
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