Johnson County Medical Examiner Facility

Olathe, KS

Johnson County, Kansas has constructed a new Medical Examiner Facility to provide County residents with a state-of-the-art, cost effective, and long-term sustainable means of providing medicolegal autopsy services. Located on the County’s government campus, the facility was designed to integrate with the existing structures including the Sunset Office Building, Emergency Communications Center, and Crime Lab.
The 33,900 GSF building is designed to meet National Association of Medical Examiners (N.A.M.E.) accreditation standards and has the capacity to service Johnson County and potential partner counties for discretionary autopsies. The facility provides a unique combination of functional elements including a morgue, autopsy, advanced imaging, forensic anthropology, medico-legal investigation, and toxicology support. Spaces for public interface and support functions, as well as office space, is segregated from the Medical Examiner functions. 
The building is oriented to take advantage of available views and daylight. Design drivers include site security, decedent delivery, and universal accessibility for staff and the public. The building was designed to be sensitive to the neighborhood context with landscaped berms forming visual screens.

Version History
Project Details
  • Year Built


  • Number Of Stories


  • Bldg system

    Mass Timber

  • Sq. Meters


  • Construction Type:


  • Building Type:


  • Material Types:

    Glue-Laminated Timber (GLT or glulam)

Project Team
Version History
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